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The story behind the Food

Sarah Reyes

Ms. Yeganegi 

World literature 

August 25, 2016

The story behind the Food

I wake up to the smell of onions simmering in oil tomato and green spicy sauce I get up skip to the kitchen, put my nose over the pot and instantly know what is that nose catching smell. My mother turns around and says “Oh! I didn’t see you there, Good morning” I respond putting my finger in the pot to get a taste of the food “Good morning” followed with a kiss. She then looks at me and I look at her and ask “Is this Sopa de Marisco con Coco and Puerco con Yucca?”         “Yes, How did you know?” she responds chuckling. We then sit down and she starts telling the traditional story she tells every time she cooks these foods. She starts off with when she was a little girl and her uncle would take her to buy Puerco con Yucca and how her mother, my grandmother, would cook it for her and my aunts when they were little and as she grew up she learned how to make it and how she cooks it the ingredients and how she cooks it for us. She was interrupted by my father who also loves telling the of his traditional Sopa de Marisco con Coco before starting his story he starts with a Spanish tongue twister which I haven’t learned yet. Compadre comprame un coco and so on, he says it as fast as a cheetah running. Then he would start telling us that the amazing Sopa de Marisco con Coco is a traditional food that his mother would make for him and everywhere he went he would eat it he remembered when his mom would cook it for him. He said that when she would cook it they would go get fresh fish for the soup. Recently for summer we went to Key West, Florida and we went fishing and a lady made the soup for my family and I to ate it, it was amazing. You could see the steam of the soup. The first spoon full of the soup was a first burning feeling and then the nice seasoned fish and then last taste of the coco it was just amazing. I love these foods. My father finished his story and said

“ Lets eat!”

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